All Hail to the Kale!
Posted on Jun 26, 2015
Kale has risen to the top of the leafy green pyramid by being one of the most nutritious vegetables on Earth. More and more people nowadays have made the switch to a healthier, more organic lifestyle. Kale happens to be one of the most popular greens at the moment, but I don’t believe it’s a fad. This green super food has too many benefits to be a passing trend.

Why Kale is Becoming a Trend

Let’s start from the beginning. Belonging to the Brassica family, kale is available in every shape and size fro curly to dinosaur varieties. Its family members include cabbage, collards, broccoli and Brussels sprouts. Its properties include anti-inflammatory, low in calories, high in antioxidants and low in carbohydrates. Kale is an excellent source of Vitamin A, Vitamin K, Potassium and antioxidants. It has more Iron than beef, more Calcium than milk and ten times more Vitamin C than spinach.

The Benefits of Eating Kale

So what does this mean? Kale is good for your eyes and skin; it reduces the risk of heart disease and cancer, aids in weight loss, lowers cholesterol and builds strong bones. According to WebMD, one cup of kale contains 36 calories, 5 grams of fiber, 15% of your daily requirement of calcium and Vitamin B6, 40% of magnesium, 180% of vitamin A, 200% vitamin C and a whopping 1,020% of vitamin K. Basically, you are getting a full vitamin in a serving of kale alone. As we prepare for summer barbecues and fun, let us remember the almighty power of the kale. Use it in your side salad instead of lettuce, make a smoothie, add kale chips on the side of your burger or get creative with it, there are millions of recipes all over the web. For starters, here are 19 Recipes for Kale . What are your favorite kale-inspired recipes?