Staying Active as You Age
Posted on Jan 26, 2024

Natural changes such as a loss of muscle mass and flexibility, and decreased bone density seem to occur with age. However, being more active in your daily life can help reverse or prevent these effects and enhance your overall well-being into your golden years and beyond. More and more data is proving that what we consider ‘aging’ is really just the result of years of little movement or exercise.

Staying active as you age is vital for optimal physical and mental health. Regularly moving your body (even just walking) can help older adults stay independent and ward off falls and injuries. Staying active doesn’t mean running marathons or grueling workout sessions. Gentle exercise such as walking, yoga, tai chi, swimming, or gardening all have proven health benefits. Walking with friends and talking is especially helpful as your brain must engage in a dual task and this promotes cognitive health.

How To Stay Active

Always check with your doctor before launching a new fitness regime. Choose an activity that you enjoy and remember to start slowly and gradually increase your activity. Find ways to naturally get more movement into your daily routine such as taking the stairs instead of an elevator, choosing the furthest parking spot from the store, playing with grandchildren outdoors, and taking a brisk walk after meals.

Many insurance plans offer gym memberships and classes for older adults. Join a walking group or group fitness class. Regular movement doesn’t have to be boring or expensive. Exercise is an investment in your overall health and longevity.

The CDC recommends 150 minutes (30 minutes a day, 5 days a week) of moderate physical activity and 2 days of muscle-strengthening activity weekly. This is a goal to work towards, but even 10 minutes a day of exercise can reap results and is better than nothing. Now we know that those 10 to 30 daily minutes don’t even need to be consecutive to be beneficial.

Benefits of Staying Active

Improved flexibility, balance, and strength

These are crucial for safety and overall well-being. An active lifestyle increases coordination and mobility and reduces the risk of falls and injuries.

Improved joint function

Regular exercise lubricates joints and combats stiffness while strengthening adjacent muscles and enhancing overall joint function, flexibility, and range of motion.

Reduces inflammation

Chronic inflammation and oxidative stress are the root cause of most non-communicable diseases. Regular exercise decreases the levels of damaging cytokines that are linked to inflammation and in turn, slashes risks for inflammatory-related diseases.

Minimize falls and injury risk

By improving balance, coordination, and muscle endurance, your dexterity and reaction times increase. You’re less prone to tripping, falling, and other accidents. Exercise (especially weight lifting) also increases bone density which is an indirect way to prevent fractures.

Boosts cardiovascular health

Staying active strengthens the heart, boosts circulation, and lowers blood pressure. Heart disease and stroke risk also decline. Regular exercise helps ward off metabolic syndrome and type 2 diabetes.

Improves sleep and immunity

By regulating circadian rhythms and combating stress, regular exercise leads to better sleep and a more robust immune system.

Enhances overall brain health

Staying active releases feel-good neurotransmitters, increases blood flow, and improves cognitive function, and memory. Supports overall mental health and combats stress and anxiety, helping neurons repair themselves. Exercise boosts BDNF levels (brain-derived neurotrophic factor) which promotes neuroplasticity, and enhanced cognitive function, and potentially reduces the risk of neurodegenerative diseases such as Alzheimer's.

Supplements For Healthy Aging

Dr. Meredith Warner developed a line of supplements to promote optimal wellness, longevity, and a pain-free lifestyle. Here are a few to try as you embark on a more active lifestyle.

Daily Multivitamin

Vitamin D is essential to help protect from an increased risk of bone fractures and many older adults are deficient. This daily multi is packed with bioavailable vitamins D, C, Zinc, and more to support connective tissue and joint health and help combat degeneration, and bone weakening. The addition of PEA offers strong natural pain relief and combats inflammation.


Enhances energy metabolism and promotes insulin sensitivity while fighting age-associated weight gain. Improves cellular energy, mitochondrial health, metabolism, and metabolic health. Raises the body’s NAD+ (one of the most crucial molecules needed for cellular health) levels. Without sufficient NAD+ the body is unable to function properly. NAD+ is thought to be reduced in older adults, supplementing can return levels to where they work best. Bonus: NMN slows down aging processes and potentially reverses aging at the cellular level.