Will Morton’s Neuroma Go Away?
Posted on Nov 09, 2020

Morton’s neuroma pain can leave you wanting to pull your hair out. The aches and sensitivity can seem unending, especially if you spend days living an active, busy lifestyle. How can you better understand your condition and learn how to make Morton’s neuroma’s pain go away?


The most detailed description of Morton’s neuroma can be summed up in two words: nerve compression. This pressure is caused by the swelling of the nerve that branches into the toes. This nerve is called the intermetatarsal plantar nerve. A ligament that connects two long bones of a toe within the foot together runs over the plantar nerve and pushes it down.

Damage and injury or long-term irritation are standard features of this condition. High-impact exercise, wearing high heels, and even genetics can lead to or exacerbate Morton’s neuroma as well. Any condition that might make a nerve more susceptible to pain can pressure the intermetatarsal ligament more painful. These conditions include diabetes, chronic pain, sciatica, and others.  

This condition manifests itself as pain in the ball of the foot at the base of the toes, though this can also radiate out into other areas of the foot.

This is where the compressing intermetatarsal ligament lives and where the nerve splits in two to provide sensation to the toes.

Numbness, burning, and tingling are familiar sensations that this condition causes.

For many, Morton’s neuroma causes a slight annoyance and discomfort. For others, the pain can be severe and can make it difficult to walk, exercise, or enjoy your life to the fullest.


We have a short answer for you, and not a happy one: Morton’s neuroma doesn’t just go away. Without additional help or medical intervention, this condition is here to stay – but don’t lose hope. Here are a few options you can seek for relief:

  • The RICE method

This method stands for Rest, Ice, Compression, and Elevation. Give your feet time to relax after a long day on your feet. Apply ice to the area of sensitivity, wear a compression sock to help with swelling, and elevate your feet. This is a simple way to help fight pain and inflammation at home.

  • Exercise and Leading a Healthy Lifestyle

Maintaining a healthy weight can keep excess pressure off your feet. Make sure to eat balanced daily meals of lean proteins and veggies and incorporate physical activity into your routine. Make sure to avoid high impact exercise if you find this makes the pain worse. Trade running for cycling or swimming to get your heart rate up and burn some calories without adding trauma to your feet or knees.  

We would never recommend complete cessation of activity. If you are concerned about your exercise routine, seek a professional opinion.  

  • Physical Therapy

Getting in touch with a physical therapist can do wonders for your pain, whether in your feet, back, or anywhere else you are experiencing muscle and joint pain. Your therapist can strengthen your gait and find appropriate footwear to keep pressure off of your neuroma.

Also, specific muscles and tendons that are tight and add to the nerve compression pain can be made looser by an excellent physical therapist. They have a variety of methods to apply to this painful condition and generally are successful.  

  • Surgery and Injections

Anti-inflammatories, corticosteroid injections, and surgeries may be sought as final relief methods with non-invasive methods fail. A surgeon may be able to decompress the nerve by cutting ligaments around the nerve, or the nerve may be killed or removed altogether. Recovery time depends on the treatment method and can range from one week to over a month. There are side-effects to these invasive methods of treatment. Discuss all possibilities with your physician.

While Morton’s neuroma can’t go away on its own, you aren’t left in the cold. Consult with your physician to find the best method of relief for you!


Our Palmer flip flops can help you find pain relief with ease, even with Morton’s neuroma! Our footwear design offers support, impact relief, pain reduction, and the perfect amount of cushion to help your feet find the rest and comfort they need.

Our Palmer flip flop is designed with a flat, even toe bed, so that the toes and balls of the feet don’t experience any unnecessary pressure that can inflame your Morton’s neuroma. Instead, you can walk comfortably with arch support and tension-stretching and relieving technology to keep your feet and legs happy and pain-free.

This flip flop has a unique feature that offloads the intermetatarsal ligament area and reduces the need for movement at the associated joint. This feature can certainly lessen the stress applied to the painful Morton’s neuroma.  

Order a pair today, and combine this with our pain-fighting creams and supplements from Well Theory for the best defense against Morton’s neuroma!