Your Essential Guide To Emerson Sandals
Posted on Jul 08, 2023

Patented & Invented by Orthopedic Foot Surgeon, Dr. Meredith Warner, so you can self-treat & get back to living your best life. The Emerson is a two-strap PU leather sandal - making them a versatile choice for anyone looking for a little more flexibility and nothing between their toes.

Our patented semi-firm sole helps to speed up the recovery of common foot pain like plantar fasciitis & promote foot health.

The Healing Sole makes walking work to your advantage by absorbing stress, offloading tension placed on the joints and gently stretching the muscles of your lower body. Dr. Warner designed this shoe to promote the body’s natural ability to heal and recover.

  • Structural/Firm
  • Rocker bottom
  • Arch support
  • Shock Absorbing
  • PU Leather Straps
  • Supportive
The Healing Sole was designed with the patient in mind. I thought about all the different ways I treat a patient and put them all together into one device that a patient can take home and use over and over again. We have had many people over the years ask for sandal styles without the piece that goes between the toes; this is one of the styles we made for those people. I left out the raised toe feature to accommodate those with forefoot issues that also have heel pain.
- Orthopedic Surgeon, Dr. Meredith Warner, Founder of The Healing Sole & Well Theory

“I am very pleased with the item. I have used the rocker bottom flip flops for 2 years, and they have been the only thing I tried that helped with plantar fasciitis. I was excited when the Emerson came out because I can wear my normal socks with them. I tried flip flop socks, but they are not as comfortable as regular socks and the Emerson is perfect for wearing inside with socks in the winter.”

-Lisa S


“I have suffered from Plantar since I trained for a half-marathon. These have been critical to my healing. I wear them around the house as often as possible. These are good for colder weather because I can wear socks with them if needed. These combined with rolling my feet with a ball and stretching and kneading my calves have improved my plantar by 90%. These really work. I am truly grateful for this product.”

-Kelly B

“I love these slides! I am a huge fan of the flip flops too, but now that it’s cold again, the toe post isn’t good with socks so these slides are wonderful for the winter months! I suffered over 4 years with plantar fasciitis but now am pain free wearing these flip flops and now the Emerson. Thank you so much for giving me back pain free feet!”

-Joni M

“My Emerson sandals are the very best!! Suffering from tendonitis at the arch and ankle on both feet and peripheral neuropathy at the toes and ball of each foot, these sandals are my ultimate relief! Forget the shoes and inserts, the feeling of comfort and relief is immediate and lasting when I step into my Emerson's ... Thank you Dr. Warner!!”

-Francis S


“I am very glad I got the healing sole. I have them on every night. After having them for a few months the real test was when I got out of my car after a 3 hr. drive and I could walk. No limping or struggling to walk away from the car. If my friends have a foot problem I am telling them to get the Healing Sole.”

-Jim L

“I've been wearing these shoes off and on for a few weeks now and I definitely notice a huge difference in my feet pain, as in my feet don't hurt all the time like they used to! I love these shoes!!”

-Christina W


Q: Why Doesn’t The Emerson Have A Raised Toe?

A: The absence of a big toe elevation makes these styles comfortable for more foot types and conditions while offering the same pain relief you love from our original flip flop. For many who suffer from conditions that affect the toes and balls of the feet, our raised toe may cause irritation and added sensitivity. These conditions can include:

  • Morton’s Neuroma
  • Hallux Rigidus
  • Bunions
  • Hammertoes
  • Arthritis
  • Metatarsal Capsulitis
  • Synovitis Freiberg’s Disease
  • Sesamoiditis

Q: How Do These Sandals Help Plantar Fasciitis?

A:The Emerson sandals feature several common treatment methods for plantar fasciitis and overall general foot health such as: raised arch support, rocker bottom sole, compressible inner heel, and non-compressible outer heel.

All of these features work in conjunction to promote relief, recovery, and the strengthening of the muscles in the feet and could possibly assist in the relief of other foot conditions. All of our footwear is great for plantar fasciitis and other heel pain.

Q: Do They Cure Plantar Fasciitis?

A: Our sandals do not cure plantar fasciitis but target its symptoms. Many of our customers have reported feeling lasting relief after wearing them. We suggest wearing them first thing in the morning and after a long day on your feet to relieve pain and promote overall foot health!

Q:How Long Until I Feel Relief?

A: Most individuals will begin to start feeling a difference in their pain around the 7-14 day mark. Some people will feel a difference earlier and others will take the full 30-day trial period to start feeling a difference. 

Q: Why Is the Sole So Big And Hard?

A: The Healing Sole is designed purposefully by Dr. Meredith Warner with a firm and supportive rocker bottom sole.

Dr. Warner feels that traditional sandals lack adequate support and protection for your feet.

Dr. Warner intentionally chose a firm sole because it is better for your feet than a squishy and unstable footbed. Think orthopedic boot, Birkenstocks, or Dansko!

The firm sole forces you to use & strengthen core foot muscles and provides propulsion & stability rather than a soft sinking feeling. This ensures that you have a stable, rebounding feeling with every step.