The Healing Sole soothes your achy feet, treats your plantar fasciitis, and even reduces the pain from Morton’s neuroma better than any DIY or at home remedy. If that’s not the case…
...We'll take them back with no questions asked.
Our team is committed to helping you avoid injections or surgery, instead opting for a more natural solution that uses the body's natural healing power.
There is something you need to know
The Healing Sole is not for you if you are not willing to try them for at least 14 days. Our soles are firm because Dr. Warner says they should be which means you have to give them time to form to your feet. Also, a rocker bottom is unusual and will feel very different initially.
So, take your time with them. Wear them and really test them.
And, We will take them back if they don't work for you!!