Free Seminar - October - Arthritis Replay
Posted on Oct 24, 2022

If you missed our October Seminar on Arthritis pain, don’t worry –

You can catch up on the fantastic information shared by Dr. Meredith Warner:

Listen in as Dr. Meredith Warner of Warner Orthopedics & Wellness discusses arthritis pain:

  • Learn how arthritis develops
  • Learn what you can do to relieve your pain
  • And learn what you can do to improve joint health + function - naturally

Arthritis 101

Arthritis is not a single disease but a way of classifying joint pain or joint disease. The word arthritis is from a Latin derivation of the words for ‘joint’ and ‘inflamed’.

There are over 100 different types of arthritis, and while it is more common in older adults, it affects the young and old alike depending on the nature of the condition. While there is no cure for arthritis, there are effective, natural ways to maintain joint health and slow the progression of all types of arthritis.

Arthritis is currently the leading cause of disability in elder adults in the United States.

The most common types of arthritis pain are osteoarthritis, rheumatoid arthritis, and gout.



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