5 Ways to Start Living a Happier Life
Posted on Jan 12, 2021

Happiness is a state of being, and it’s available to each and every one of us no matter what our background or circumstances. There is an unconditional state beyond material things where true, lasting happiness resides.

Here are five tips for living a happier life right now.


Start by appreciating the things that are going well in your life at this moment.

Even if it’s just the fact that you can see well enough to read these words, you can be grateful for your eyesight.

If you have clothes on your back, food to eat and a roof over your head, you have things to be grateful for.

Make gratitude a practice by keeping a daily gratitude journal or talking about the things you are grateful for regularly.

When you go through hard days, reflect on these entries and challenge yourself to focus out happy occurrences - even when the day seems bleak.


This simple step can improve your mood and overall health dramatically. Most people need about seven hours of sleep each night, however some do better with less or slightly more. Adequate sleep is essential for a consistent mood and a positive outlook.

If you are having trouble sleeping, there are a number of ways that help you to get rest faster, more comfortably, and deeply.

Learn more about how to get better sleep in this blog.

Sleep aids are an easy way to achieve this goal, especially if you are searching fr natural options.

Supplements, like our Tart Cherry Extract Supplement from Well Theory, can help to improve the quality of your sleep while also fighting other underlying issues like muscle pain!

Tart Cherries are a natural source of melatonin and antioxidants. With these supplements, you can snag all of the health benefits without the added calories of drinking cherry juice!


Technology and urban living have all but cut us off from our natural roots, and this can steal away our happiness and peace of mind.

This can be as simple as taking a walk outside everyday to get some sunshine, fresh air, and open space.

Make an effort to walk in a park or by a lake or the ocean regularly. Put up a bird feeder in your yard or get a pet to remind you that you’re a part of the animal kingdom, too.


One of the greatest joys in life is positive connections with other people. Strive to create, maintain and improve your relationships with the people who make you feel the best.

Remember that relationships are a two-way street, and you will reap what you sow.

Be kind and loving, follow your heart, and use your intuition to connect with “your tribe” as well as your ideal partner, best friend, collaborators, and co-workers.


There is a state beyond anything we can be, do, or have as human beings. It is a happiness that transcends any condition.

Some call this the soul or spirit, consciousness, life force, or state of Enlightenment. It is an eternal, self-replenishing energy that needs nothing to be whole and complete.

While we can lose track of this essential core of ourselves, there are ways to reconnect with it - through religion, prayer, spirituality, art, music, meditation, communing with nature (see #3 above) or even studying quantum physics are all possible ways we can reconnect with our true nature as an eternal, unbreakable spirit.

Happiness is a state of being, and the less we link our happiness with material things and “conditions” that come and go, the happier we will be.

Gratitude, getting enough rest, getting back to nature, cultivating relationships and connecting with our essential core are all simple ways to be happier now. Use these five tips for increasing your joy and well-being today and living a happier life going forward.


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Our Well Theory products offer you a number of ways to take this a step further, from daily multivitamins for pain relief to supplements that help boost your immune system, fight inflammation, and improve sleep.

Both lines are products are designed by Dr. Meredith Warner, an orthopedic surgeon and veteran of the United States Air Force. Each product is developed and formulated to help give you back a silver lining and help you to live a happier, healthier life.

Give our products a try today to elevate your mood, your health, and your happiness!