Do High Arches Cause Plantar Fasciitis?
Posted on Oct 01, 2015

For so many people it feels as if their plantar fasciitis diagnosis came out of nowhere. It can be hard to predict the onset of the condition but it is clear what can cause plantar fasciitis. Certain characteristics make contracting plantar fasciitis more likely. The shape of your arch in some cases can determine whether or not you're more likely to develop plantar fasciitis.  


How Do High Arches Affect My Feet?

The way your arch is shaped can dictate how your weight is distributed as you stand on your feet. People with high arches place most of their weight on the ball and heel of their feet as they walk, stand and run. In severe cases some patients are diagnosed with Cavus Foot, a condition where the foot has an extremely high arch. People with high arches can live with a number of symptoms because of the shape of their foot. The following symptoms are common in people with high arches:  
  • Pain when standing or walking
  • Shortened foot
  • Difficulty fitting shoes
  • Inward tilting heel and increased risk of ankle sprains
  • Calluses on the ball, side or heel of the foot
  • Hammertoe or claw toe

Do High Arches Lead to Plantar Fasciitis?

People with high arches are more prone to developing plantar fasciitis. High arches put lots of stress on the feet. The plantar fascia provides static support to the longitudinal arch and dynamic shock absorption. The plantar fascia can be stretched away from the heel bone in people with high arches, and disrupt support and shock absorption. Although high arches aren’t a direct cause of plantar fasciitis, it is known for creating an environment that puts heavy stress on the plantar fascia.  


How Do I Treat and Prevent Plantar Fasciitis Pain?

The best way to treat your plantar fasciitis is to discover what is causing the stretching of your plantar fascia. Consulting with a doctor is the best way to pinpoint exactly why you’ve been suffering from plantar fasciitis pain. People who suffer from plantar fasciitis as a result of high arches should cushion their heel to absorb shock as they walk, run and stand throughout the day. Wearing footwear that accommodates the foot can also relieve foot pain and make living with plantar fasciitis much easier. Stretching exercises, night splints and shoes with a cushioned heel to absorb shock can also be beneficial and reduce pain.