We all know that ordinary flip flops are bad for your feet, especially if you have a foot condition, like plantar fasciitis. A simple Google search will list off reason after reason to avoid the shoe style and most doctors advise against them as well. However, the key word is "ordinary."
The Healing Sole is definitely no ordinary flip flop. This is a medical grade device was specifically designed to treat plantar fasciitis. It's 5 key features work together to promote overall foot health, as well. All flip flops are not created equally, and some, like The Healing Sole, are actually GOOD for your feet!
In 2013, The Huffington Post listed some tips on finding the best flip flops for your feet. We've taken their tips and compared them to The Healing Sole in the infographic below. As you can plainly see, The Healing Sole passes their flip flop test with flying colors!
Do your current flip flops pass the flip flop test?