Here’s What You Need To Know About Adolescent Foot Care
Posted on Feb 08, 2021

What you teach your kids now can have a lot of influence on what they carry into adulthood.

Encouraging them to read and educate themselves outside of school, teaching them skills like cooking and household maintenance, and being examples to them of humans with healthy, active lifestyles can inspire their future practices.

This goes for the health of their feet, as well.

Your adolescent should know the best practices for foot care to prevent issues as they age.

Here’s what you, the caregiver, should know.


Let’s start by defining the term adolescent.

This refers to the ages between 10 and 19, or the age between childhood and becoming a full-fledged adult. This is your typical preteen to teenage range.

We know that the brain is not fully developed until the age of 25 of course, but the body finishes sooner.  

During this age range, you may begin to notice your children’s interest in hygiene, sports, and fashion develop further.

This is an especially crucial time to help put foot care on their radar.

Many issues can plague your teen, and this often sprouts from his or her general lifestyle choices.

Athletics, footwear choices, and general foot care (or lack thereof) can result in the development of:

  • Ingrown toenails
  • Calluses
  • Athlete’s foot
  • Foul smells
  • Or blisters

Consult with your child’s personal physician to find the best methods of care for your feet. General checkups are key for full-body health, and this goes for their feet as well!


Many of us work on our feet and if not that, we exercise.

As adults, we know that the way our teens take care of their feet in the present can have a huge effect on the future health of their feet.

Your children should begin to invest in the foundation of their health, the feet, as soon as possible.

It is up to parents to guide them. Help them know the best at-home practices for foundational foot health!

Have your teen make these practices a daily habit, just like brushing their teeth:

1. Take care of their toenails.

Yes, a pedicure is more than just a cosmetic treatment.

Keeping your teen’s nails trimmed and filed can prevent curved nails, ingrown toenails, and blisters from irritation.

Obviously, no one needs to pay for a pedicure every time nail trimming is required.

Simply teach your children how to do this and make sure they have a schedule.

Toenails grow about 2-3 times more slowly than fingernails. It takes a full year for an entire toenail to grow. Toenails grow at 1.6mm to 1.8mm or so monthly.  

Therefore, at least once a month the nail should be trimmed, though twice a month would be better.  

2. Wash their feet regularly.

Don’t let your kids forget to wash their feet when they bathe!

Soap and water across the sole and in between the toes help to wash away dirt, sweat, and any bacteria that may have been tracked in with the day.

3. Keep their feet dry.

After showering or swimming, it is important for your child to thoroughly dry their feet. Moist environments can be a breeding ground for fungus and issues like athlete’s foot.

Shoe powder, spray deodorant, and moisture-wicking socks are also a fantastic way to help control sweat and dampness! There are great natural options available too, of course.  

If your child has hyperhidrosis (excessive sweating), there are prescription antiperspirants for this. If those don’t work, Botox injections can stop the sweating for 3-4 months at a time.

Ask your pediatrician about this if you believe hyperhidrosis is a problem!

4. Pay attention to their shoe choices.

As an adult, you already know the importance of supportive footwear.

Yes, teenagers may gravitate more to fashionable high-heels or expensive fashion sneakers, but these should not be the only staple in their wardrobes.

Look for supportive tennis shoes and sandals for athletic and everyday wear.

Make sure to find the best fit for your child, ensuring that the width, length, and arch support provide them with the proper fit.

We are completely aware that teenagers often fail to listen to a parent telling them to wear supportive shoes when they could wear the latest trend.

In such situations, orthotics can assist your goals.

Speak with your orthopedic surgeon or podiatrist and invest in functional orthotics your teenager can place into their fashionable shoes.


For most of us, we may not have taken the best care of our feet during our youth. The Healing Sole can help erase the woes of the past so that you can move forward without pain.

The Healing Sole footwear is designed to help your body heal naturally from past trauma and strain. All you need are a few hours each day.

Slip our footwear on first thing in the morning to make your first steps of the day less painful.

Just a few hours of wear will do!

Then, put on a supportive pair of shoes to run your errands or go to work.

When you get home, put them back on for your last few hours of the day.

The Healing Sole is designed to promote natural healing and foot health.

It was not designed to replace any of your prescription shoes or inserts. Rather, think of The Healing Sole as an additional method to help feel better. It augments your life.  

Dr. Warner believes that it is important to wear different shoes during the day if possible. This allows for different muscles and connective tissue to be engaged and exercised.

The Healing Sole is meant to provide an additional resource to your foot health system.  

We recommend starting your journey with The Healing Sole with just a few hours of daily wear, but increase this wear-time as they break-in.

You’ll soon find that you can wear them all day, though this isn’t necessary for relief.  

From plantar fasciitis and heel spurs to Morton’s neuroma and more, The Healing Sole is here to help you find relief. Order your pair today.