5 Things You Need to Know About Plantar Fasciitis
Posted on Sep 26, 2016

When plantar fasciitis strikes the pain is hard to ignore. Dealing with this condition on a daily basis can be confusing, frustrating and debilitating. The more you know about plantar fasciitis, the better equipped you are to handle flare-ups. We’ve compiled a list of five things you need to know about plantar fasciitis to make your life a little bit easier.


The Plantar Fascia: What is it for?

The plantar fascia runs along the bottom of your foot from the base of your toe to the front of your heel. The tissue keeps the arch of the foot from flattening as the foot bears weight. This function provides cushioning and shock absorption as you walk, run or stand. In kids and adolescents the plantar fascia is heavily related to the Achilles tendon. However, as you age the connecting fibers decrease.


What is Plantar Fasciitis and how do I get it?

Plantar fasciitis is an inflammation of the plantar fascia where it connects to the heel bone or toes. The condition can be caused by any activity where your plantar fascia is pulled. This includes running, walking, climbing stairs and other common forms of activity. Most cases are caused by aging and inflammation caused over time. Being overweight can also lead to this condition.


How does plantar fasciitis feel?

Early on, it may feel like there is a lump in the heel of your sock. This will feel like a minor discomfort under the heel. As the condition progresses your heel will feel tender and sensitive early in the morning after you get out of bed. As the condition worsens that early morning pain will begin to last longer throughout the day and with each step you’ll feel pain at your heel.


How do you treat plantar fasciitis?

It takes time for the inflammation in the plantar fascia to subside. If you’re a runner, to avoid plantar fasciitis pain you should be more mindful of how you land. Never land on the back of your heels when engaging in activity. Wearing shoes that stabilize your heel can ease plantar fasciitis pain as well. The Healing Sole is designed to support the heel and create a healthy environment for your feet.


Are there stretches that relieve pain?

Stretches may not reverse plantar fasciitis pain but they can ease and relieve aches. The following stretches can be helpful:
  1. Cross your right leg over your left knee and grab your toe with your left hand.
  2. Press your right foot towards your right knee and hold for three seconds.
  3. Release the stretch and pull your foot away from the knee.
  4. Repeat the stretch five times on each leg.