No matter your sport of choice, there's always a risk of injury. Below we've shared some of the most common sports injuries and detailed how these conditions affect your body.
Strains and Sprains
Strains and sprains are the most common types of sports injuries by far. These injuries can occur during almost any kind of physical activity. A sprain occurs when a ligament is torn or overstretched. These tears can range from minor to complete, which severs the ligament. A strain is a pulled muscle, and a occurs when the fibers within a muscle are stretched too far. Strains also range from minor to severe.Shin Splints
Failing to warm up or stretch can lead to shin splints. A shin splint is pain along the shin bone and is common among runners. Running on hard surfaces, wearing shoes that lack proper support and having flat feet can contribute to shin splints. The pain typically occurs in the front part of the lower leg and can also be located in the foot and ankle, precisely where the bone meets the calf muscles.Dislocations
A dislocation occurs when the bones in a joint are pushed out of alignment. Contact sports or activities that require excessive stretching can cause dislocations. In most cases, the injury will require medical treatment and is considered an emergency. The dislocated bone can be relocated, but the connective tissue surrounding the joint may withstand severe damage.ACL Injury
The anterior cruciate ligament (ACL) is one of the major stabilizing ligaments in your knee. The most common cause of injuries to the ACL is trying to cut, change, or pivot directions quickly. Slight tears can be healed without surgery, thanks to scar tissue, which helps repair the ligament and stabilize the knee. A complete ACL tear will require surgery and a few months for recovery.Plantar Fasciitis
Every year over three million cases of Plantar Fasciitis is reported throughout the United States. The condition is characterized by stabbing pain in the bottom of the foot near the heel, especially in the morning. Your plantar fascia functions as a shock-absorbent and supports the arch of the foot as you move. Stretching and tearing the fascia can lead to irritation and inflammation. Rest and ice can provide immediate, temporary relief but these treatments don’t genuinely fix the problem.The Healing Sole creates an environment for recovery. The shoe is packed with six powerful features that work synergistically to heal the foot and relieve plantar fasciitis pain.
The Healing Sole gently stretches the plantar fascia at the beginning of each step. As your foot pushes off, the rocker bottom sole sways to reduce tension. Once your foot meets the ground again, the compressible heel and raised arch absorb the weight of the body, reducing pressure at each pain point in the heel. Soft neoprene straps help to hold your foot in place as you move. The latest version of The Healing Sole is equipped with a durable outsole. Now our flip-flops last even longer and can support extended outdoor wear! For more information click here.