Your feet support you throughout the day, so when they hurt you’ll notice immediately! We’ve got a few tips for how to stop the pain from sneaking up on you. Check out our list below!
Stretch It Out
As you get older, your muscles will begin to tighten up if you don’t exercise or stretch regularly. For example, your calf muscles naturally tighten over time, increasing stress on the balls of your feet. Stretching and working out can decrease tightening and prevent pain. Try adding a little stretching to your daily routine. Stretching out your calves, ankles, and feet can reduce stiffness across the body. Stand with your toes on a step, as your feet dangle off the edge. Slowly drop your heels down and hold the position for about 10 seconds, then lift your heels up to the starting position. Repeat this motion about five to ten times during one session, and try to perform this exercise twice a day.
Leave the Heels On The Shelf
We know you look fabulous in heels—duh! Despite the lovely way they make you look, heels are one of the most damaging forms of footwear. Heels force your feet into tight, unnatural positions, ultimately forcing your feet to redistribute your weight into the balls of your feet. Your forefoot isn’t built to support the entire weight of your body, which leads to strain. The shoes also squeeze your feet into a tight space, producing ingrown toenails, blisters, and deformed toes. The easiest way to prevent this damage is to stop wearing heels, period. We understand most women can’t just give up their favorite shoes. If you aren't able to immediately kick your shoes to the curb, first try limiting how often you wear heels. Only wear heels for a few hours a week, or save them for special occasions.
Take a Seat
Sitting all day is terrible for your body, but standing isn't much better. Standing for extended periods of time forces the muscles of your feet and legs to support your body continuously. Maintaining a healthy combination of sitting and standing throughout the day causes the least strain on your body. If you work on your feet throughout the day, find some time to take a seat. A short break helps your body rest and recover, so you’ll be ready to get right back to work.
Only If The Shoe Fits
How sure are you about your shoe size? Your feet continue to change in size as you age, and continuing to wear ill-fitted footwear can encourage bunions, calluses or corns to develop. Have your feet remeasured to ensure you’re wearing the right size. It’s very common to have two different size feet! When buying shoes, fit them to the size of the more significant foot. You should have about half an inch of wiggle room between your big toes and the shoe. Also, try to only go shoe shopping in the afternoon. Feet swell throughout the day, so buy your shoes in the evening to get a perfect fit.
The Healing Sole: Prevent Pain and Recovery Today
Most shoes that promise to prevent pain and encourage recovery are uncomfortable, oddly shaped and unattractive. The Healing Sole creates an environment for recovery. The shoe is packed with six powerful features that work synergistically to heal the foot.
The Healing Sole gently stretches the
plantar fascia at the beginning of each step. As your foot pushes off, the rocker bottom sole sways to reduce tension. Once your foot meets the ground again, the compressible heel and raised arch absorb the weight of the body, reducing pressure at each pain point in the heel. Soft neoprene straps help to hold your foot in place as you move. The latest version of The Healing Sole is equipped with a durable outsole. Now our flip-flops last even longer and can support extended outdoor wear! For more information
click here.