Can You Really Treat Plantar Fasciitis With a Flip Flop?
Posted on Jun 17, 2019

Yes, you can treat plantar fasciitis with a flip flop.

But not just any flip flop.  You wouldn’t want to walk for miles in dollar-store throwaway flops, for sure.

So why are some flip-flops good and others bad? Is there something about the design of the shoe that hurts the feet, or is it something else?


Did your orthopedist tell you to avoid flip-flops? She’s probably right... about some of the shoes.

This is because most of the shoes are designed to provide minimal support to the foot.

Most of the time, people buy flip-flops for short trips:

  • to frolic on the beach
  • to take to the pool
  • to walk across the yard

Problems occur, however, when your pool flops become your walking shoes.

If you start to grow fond of your thong sandals and start wearing them to the mall every week, the miles will add up and your feet will ache.

Here’s how most feet-hurting flip flops are designed:

  • Completely flat sole - Just enough to keep your feet off the pavement.
  • Little material as possible - Helps to keep costs down.
  • Inexpensive materials - Sturdy enough to make it through one summer, but not much longer.
  • No bend - Not only is the sole flat, but it’s also rigid where it needs to curve.


If you’re suffering from plantar fasciitis or foot pain in general, then you don’t need to shun flip-flops. There’s nothing built into the design that hurts your feet.

Dr. Meredith Warner, the orthopedic surgeon behind The Healing Sole.

For example, The Healing Sole was purposefully-designed as a flip flop to give foot pain sufferers the opportunity to wear flip flops again!

The Healing Sole is:

That’s a lot of effort in one product, so you can be sure it really works.

In contrast to the foot-hurting flip flop, The Healing Sole has features designed to fight foot pain:

  • Arch Support - Not flat like a typical beach flip-flop.
  • Rocker bottom sole - A unique tension-reducing innovation.
  • Compressible inner heel - Where most flip-flops are just single pieces of felt, ours has complex design features where pain is the worst.
  • Non-compressible outer heel - Our heel is a two-in-one innovation, both comforting the ball of the foot and facilitating a normal heel strike.


There are many good thong sandals available that won’t hurt your feet.

You may have to pay a little extra, but it’ll be worth it to spend $40-70 dollars on a pair of shoes that won’t wreck your feet after a jaunt around Disneyland.

Here are some pointers:

  • Get a thicker sole
  • Make sure it has arches that fit your feet
  • and get a feel for overall construction and quality.

However, if you’re already experiencing heel pain and want to get better – not worse – with every step, read up on The Healing Sole's technology.

Interested in learning more about The Healing Sole? Read up on our clinical study!


If you are fighting foot pain or just looking to promote overall foot health, The Healing Sole is your solution!

Our footwear is designed by an orthopedic surgeon with features that work with the way you walk.

With every step you take, our footwear stretches out pain and tension in your feet and lower legs, leaving your body free to begin the natural healing and recovery process.

Pain can slow you down - both physically and in the way you live your life. Don't miss out on sport, time with friends and family, or taking care of your health because of foot pain.

Choose The Healing Sole today to take a step in the right direction!